Clara is a young Romanian woman who has been caught in the clutches of a major Romanian prostitution network. It was on the sidewalks of Paris that she lived the hell of prostitution.
Clara has repeatedly come close to death under the blows of her pimps and clients. This young woman owes her survival to a moral strength that she draws on in the hope of giving a better future to her 9-year-old daughter who has remained with her parents in Romania. The little money she has left, she sends for the education of this one.
In 2012, she found the strength and the courage to stand up against her pimps by filing a complaint with the police. It was at this time that Clara began to frequent our association to begin her journey of social reintegration. This return to a normal life for victims of human trafficking is extremely difficult.
This transition period is delicate for each of the victims because it is a new battle that opens up to them; A fight that they must carry out despite the moral wounds inflicted by the violence of their past. The Action Teams are at Clara's side to support her and accompany her in her efforts to obtain a residence permit, necessary to find a job in France which will allow her to feed herself, to take care of herself but also to benefit from the security of a roof.
The hope that she and her daughter will one day be reunited in France is still what fuels Clara's determination to fight for her reintegration.
Recently, Clara, with the help of an EACP lawyer, won her case against her torturers. She has also just found a job thanks to which she will soon be able to find accommodation and thus, we hope, bring her daughter to her home.